Phone: 1-573-655-3880 Fax: 1-573-655-3571
About Nemo Manufacturing, Inc.

- Four automated surface mount lines built around Universal GSM and Philips/Assembleon SMT platform groups.
- AOI – Mirtec Automated Optical Inspection
- Testing per customer provided test environment
- DFM- Extensive Design for Assembly/ Design for Manufacture experience
- PPL –Preferred Parts List available to help achieve low BOM cost
- NPI – New Product Introduction expert
- Lifecycle management
- Supply chain management
- QRM – Quick Response Manufacturing techniques
- Lean Manufacturing principals
- We purchase components thru factory authorized channels ONLY!
- Wireless, RF, Analog, Digital
- Commercial & Industrial
Our Mission
In the highly competitive industry of contract manufacturing, the primary mission of NEMO Manufacturing is simple: Exceed the expectations of every customer. But there is nothing simple about performing this task. It requires a solid commitment to service, consistent production, reliable products, and talented and experienced staff. At NEMO, customers can and should expect excellence from us, because we demand it from ourselves.